Important Meeting Dates (Please attend if you are concerned about the future of the Park West School):

  •  Public Speaking Submissions to the Elected School Board Representatives will be held Monday June 23, and the 24th , 6:00 PM. (you must register for an opportunity to speak)

Halifax Regional School Board

33 Spectacle Lake Drive, 

Dartmouth, NS B3B 1X7

Tel: (902) 464-2000 ext. 2324 Selena Henderson

Special Note:  The vote will take place at the regular school board meeting on June 25, 2014.

  • It is URGENT that the Governing Board hear your voice.  Please make every effort to attend and speak as this is the final decision of keeping Park West P-9 or NOT.  This is the FINAL VOTE!

  • Parent/Community Meeting - Tuesday May 20th 7:00 PM - Saint Benedict Auditorium, Basement - 45 Radcliffe Drive - Please come and take along a friend or neighbour who may be affected by the close of our Junior High School.

  • HRSB Regular Scheduled Meeting - Wednesday May 28, 2014  -Meetings begin at 6 p.m. in the Board Chambers, Halifax Regional School Board, 33 Spectacle Lake Drive, Dartmouth. (unless otherwise noted) 

  • Public Consultation Meeting with Boundary Review Committee – June 2, 2014 - 7:00 PM Bella Rosa, Halifax West.